It’s a mouthful to say – telangiectasias – but other more common names include red or blue veins, thread veins, facial veins or nose veins. They are small veins and arteries that are visible on the face. They’ll usually appear in patterns, most notably on the nose, lips and cheeks.
What causes them?
Causes of telangiectasias are most often because of over-exposure to extreme temperatures, including the sun and snow, as well as ageing. Women over 50 are particularly susceptible to telangiectasias. They usually appear gradually and may be itchy and uncomfortable.
Having rosacea or another skin condition or when there has been trauma in the same area, like surgery, may be other causes. Some other medical conditions may also cause telangiecstasias. Pregnancy, taking the contraceptive pill or women in menopause (and taking HRT hormone replacement therapy) too may cause telangiectasias. Other risk factors include alcohol consumption.
So, can you get rid of them?
Treatment to ‘get rid of telangiecstasias’ is usually effective using skin laser. The laser heats the vessels and seals them, causing them to collapse and fade and so they reduce in appearance. Several treatments, over several sessions are necessary, with occasional re-treatment after that.
While they don’t usually trouble the patient too much, in that they aren’t painful or bulging, they can be unsightly on the face. Some people become self-consciousness about them and cover up with make up. Care needs to be taken with beauty and soap products as these may irritate and make the telangiecstasias appear worse.
Only health professionals trained in the diagnosis and treatment of telangiecstasias should perform skin laser treatment. In rarer casers, telangiecstasias may be an indication of an underlying medical condition, that my require an ultrasound scan. So it is important to seek expert advice.
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