Here we describe what it’s like having Trusculpt body contouring treatment.

“You have to remember,” says nurse Sarah, “it’s not a panacea, people still have to do the hard mahi; this service is for those people who have perhaps had a weight loss journey but have pockets of fat they can’t shift. Or they may always have had those pockets.”

Fat cells eliminated with Trusculpt body contouring but…

Described as body contouring or body sculpting, Trusculpt goes below the skin’s surface to target fat cells. This eliminates some fat cells but the client still needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle and continue to exercise. Otherwise the results may not be what they’re expecting. Other fat cells can just as easily take the place of those removed.

The client needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle and continue to exercise.

Your belly and love handles treated with Trusculpt body contouring

The most common treatment areas are belly, upper arms and ‘love handles’, we call ‘flanks’. Clients are people who eat healthily and do regular exercise but have fat deposits in these areas.

Sarah measures, weighs and talks to the client about expectations and lifestyle before treatment. Allow an hour for consent and treatment.

Sarah uses skin chalk to map where the heat paddles are to go. You need more for the belly and fewer for smaller areas. Treatment is not for everyone. You need to be able to ‘pinch an inch’. That is, you have enough fat to be able to grab some.

You need to be able to pinch an inch.

Next Sarah puts receptors on your back for the Trusculpt machine to deliver the treatment through the paddles. Trusculpt uses radiofrequency. For that reason treatment is not suitable for people with pacemakers, internal defibrillators, pregnant or breastfeeding women or anyone under 18 years.

It’s hot but not that hot

Decals hold the paddles on the treatment area. The decals are then wrapped into place. Treatment only takes 15 minutes and is hot. The machine circles heat through the paddles, with two active at any one time. With Trusculpt, unlike cold treatments, there is no post-treatment ‘massage’ needed to redistribute the fat that has accumulated into one spot.

Decals hold the paddles in place.

Most have one treatment. Because the fat cells able to be eliminated will do so at this first appointment. A further treatment may reduce a little bit more but only a small percentage.

Walk on out after

After treatment, apart from booking your follow up in 12 weeks’ time, you get on with your day. Red patches where the paddles have been are the only indication of treatment and they fade over the day. You may be thirsty because your body has had some heat. It takes 12 weeks for the full results to show.

Trusculpt is not a lose-weight-fast solution. It’s a non-surgical fat removal treatment. Results vary.